Flying the Mace 2

OK Models Mace 2

Well, what a great little plane! I was suprised on how well it flew being a pre built from China. You always get a little nervous launching something you have put a bit of time into too. I had Steph and Mick to assist with the launch.

First launch and way too much down elevator, really to the point of having to land to manually adjust it. After that was sorted it was away to the sky again and this time different plane. Happy to say that it flew quick, being a tad rusty on the control it took a bit of time to get used to the speed again.

Love the motor, heaps of grunt! best choice i have made on that one. We ended up with a Turnigy GliderDrive SK3 Competition Series – 3858 – 4.6 840kv and an ESC to match. As i’m new to the electric’s it was a bit of a guess.

Handed over the controls to Steph and he had a bash at it, with a smile on his face I think he was impressed!


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5 Responses

  1. Andre Gouw says:

    Hi Admin?
    I have a Mace 2 and agree it is a fun plane to fly, both thermaling and power aerobatics. I am wondering if you have a copy of the instructions that came with the model as I have misplaced mine and need to verify CG location.
    Cheers Andre

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